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The delta method computes the difference between an observed raster and the equivalent predictions from a model for a given time step, and then applies that difference (delta) to all other time steps. You will first need to create the delta raster with delta_compute(), and thus use it as an argument for this function.


  x_landmask_high = NULL,
  range_limits = NULL,
  nmax = 7,
  set = list(idp = 0.5),



a terra::SpatRaster for the variable of interest, with all time steps of interest


a terra::SpatRaster generated by pastclim::delta_compute


a terra::SpatRaster with the same number of layers as x. If left NULL, the original landmask of x is used.


range to which the downscaled reconstructions are forced to be within (usually based on the observed values). Ignored if left to NULL.


the number of nearest observations that should be used for a kriging prediction or simulation, where nearest is defined in terms of the space of the spatial locations (see gstat::gstat() for details)


named list with optional parameters to be passed to gstat (only set commands of gstat are allowed, and not all of them may be relevant; see the gstat manual for gstat stand-alone, URL and more details in the gstat::gstat() help page)


further parameters to be passed to gstat::gstat()


a terra::SpatRaster of the downscaled variable, where each layers is a time step.


It is possible to also provide a high resolution landmask to this function. For cells which are not included in the original simulation (e.g. because the landmask was discretised at lower resolution), an inverse distance weighted algorithm (as implemented in gstat::gstat()) is used to interpolate the missing values. See the manpage for gstat::gstat() for more parameters that can change the behaviour of the iwd interpolation.