Create a land mask for a given time step. The land mask is based on the simple logic of moving the ocean up and down given the current relief profile ( topography+bathymetry, i.e. the elevation both above and below sea level). Note that this approach ignores any rebound due to changing mass and distribution of ice sheets. LIMITATIONS: The land mask will show internal lakes/seas as land, as their level is unrelated to the general sea level. If you have specific reconstructions of internal lakes (or want to simply reuse their current extents), you will have to add them onto the masks generated by this function. Also note that the land mask does not include ice sheets. This means that some areas that are permanently covered by ice at the two poles will show up as sea. This means that, for any reconstruction including Greenland or Antarctica, the resulting land mask will need to be modified to include the appropriate ice sheets.
- relief_rast
with relief- time_bp
the time of interest
- sea_level
sea level at the time of interest (if left to NULL, this is computed using Spratt 2016)
a terra::SpatRaster
of the land masks (with land as 1's and sea
as NAs), where the layers are different times