Paleoclim is a set of high resolution paleoclimate reconstructions, mostly
based on the CESM model, downscaled with the CHELSA dataset to 3 different
spatial resolutions: paleoclim_1.0_2.5m
at 2.5 arc-minutes (~5 km),
at 5 arc-minutes (~10 km), and paleoclim_1.0_10m
arc-minutes (~20 km). All 19 biovariables are available. There are only a
limited number of time slices available for this dataset; furthermore,
currently only time slices from present to 130ka are available in pastclim
More details on the dataset are available on its dedicated website.
IMPORTANT: If you use this dataset, make sure to cite the original publication:
Brown, Hill, Dolan, Carnaval, Haywood (2018) PaleoClim, high spatial resolution paleoclimate surfaces for global land areas. Nature – Scientific Data. 5:180254