Sample background points for SDM analysis for points with a time point.
This function samples background points from a raster given a set of presences. The locations returned as the center points of the sampled cells, which can overlap with the presences (in contrast to pseudo-absences, see sample_pseudoabs_time). The following methods are implemented:
'random': background points randomly sampled from the region covered by the raster (i.e. not NAs).
'dist_max': background points randomly sampled from the unioned buffers of 'dist_max' from presences (distances in 'm' for lonlat rasters, and in map units for projected rasters). Using the union of buffers means that areas that are in multiple buffers are not oversampled. This is also referred to as "thickening".
'bias': background points are sampled according to a surface representing the biased sampling effort. Note that the surface for each time step is normalised to sum to 1;use
to affect sampling effort within each time step.
coords = NULL,
time_col = "time",
lubridate_fun = c,
method = "random",
class_label = "background",
return_pres = TRUE,
time_buffer = 0
- data
data frame, or a data frame with coordinate variables. These can be defined incoords
, unless they have standard names (see details below).- raster
the terra::SpatRaster,
or terra::SpatRasterDataset from which cells will be sampled. If a terra::SpatRasterDataset, the first dataset will be used to define which cells are valid, and which are NAs.- n_per_time_step
number of background points to sample for each time step (i.e. a vector of length equal to the number of time steps in raster)
- coords
a vector of length two giving the names of the "x" and "y" coordinates, as found in
. If left to NULL, the function will try to guess the columns based on standard namesc("x", "y")
,c("longitude", "latitude")
, orc("lon", "lat")
- time_col
The name of the column with time; if time is not a lubridate object, use
to provide a function that can be used to convert appropriately- lubridate_fun
function to convert the time column into a lubridate object
- method
sampling method. One of 'random', 'dist_max', or 'bias'.
- class_label
the label given to the sampled points. Defaults to
- return_pres
return presences together with background in a single tibble
- time_buffer
the buffer on the time axis around presences that defines their effect when sampling background with method 'max_dist'. If set to zero, presences have an effect only on the time step to which they are assigned in
; if a positive value, it defines the number of days before and after the date provided in thetime
column for which the presence should be considered (e.g. 20 days means that a presence is considered in all time steps equivalent to plus and minus twenty days from its date).
An object of class tibble::tibble. If presences are returned, the
presence level is set as the reference (to match the expectations in the
package that considers the first level to be the event)
Note that the time axis of the raster should be in POSIXct
format, or use `tstep="years"'. See terra::time()
for details on
how to set the time axis.