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The function getColors returns the colors associated to the nodes of a gGraph object, based on a specified node attribute.


getColors(x, ...)

# S4 method for gGraph
getColors(x, nodes = "all",, col.rules = NULL, ...)



a valid gGraph.


other arguments passed to other methods.


a vector of character strings or of integers identifying nodes by their name or their index. Can be "all", in which case all nodes are considered.

a character string indicating the name of node attribute to be used to define colors.


a matrix giving the rules for plotting attribute values with different colors. See details.


A vector of characters being valid colors.


Colors are based on a node attribute, that is, on a column of the nodes.attr data.frame. This attribute should have a finite number of values, and would most likely be a factor. Correspondence between values of this variable and colors must be provided in the @meta\$color slot, or as col.rules argument. Color rules mus be provided as a two-column matrix; the first column contains values of a node attribute, and is named after this attribute; the second must be named "color", and contain valid colors.

See example section to know how this slot should be designed.


  • getColors(gGraph): Method for gGraph objects


worldgraph.10k # there is a node attribute 'habitat'
#> === gGraph object ===
#> @coords: spatial coordinates of 10242 nodes
#>         lon       lat
#> 1 -180.0000  90.00000
#> 2  144.0000 -90.00000
#> 3  -33.7806  27.18924
#> ...
#> @nodes.attr: 1 nodes attributes
#>   habitat
#> 1     sea
#> 2     sea
#> 3     sea
#> ...
#> @meta: list of meta information with 2 items
#> [1] "$colors" "$costs" 
#> @graph:
#> A graphNEL graph with undirected edges
#> Number of Nodes = 10242 
#> Number of Edges = 6954 
#>            habitat       color
#> 1              sea        blue
#> 2             land       green
#> 3         mountain       brown
#> 4       landbridge light green
#> 5 oceanic crossing  light blue
#> 6  deselected land   lightgray

#> [1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6"
head(getColors(worldgraph.10k, res.type = "vector", = "habitat"))
#>      1      2      3      4      5      6 
#> "blue" "blue" "blue" "blue" "blue" "blue"