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The function getCosts returns the costs associated to the edges of a gGraph object using different possible outputs. These outputs are designed to match possible outputs of getEdges function.


getCosts(x, ...)

# S4 method for gGraph
getCosts(x, res.type = c("asIs", "vector"), unique = FALSE, ...)

getNodeCosts(x, ...)

# S4 method for gGraph
getNodeCosts(x,, ...)



a valid gGraph.


other arguments passed to other methods (currently unused).


a character string indicating which kind of output should be used. See value.


a logical indicating whether the costs should be returned for unique edges (TRUE), or if duplicate edges should be considered as well (TRUE, default).

the name of the node attribute used to define node costs.


The output depends on the value of the argument res.type:

  • asIs: output is a named list of weights, each slot containing weights associated to the edges stemming from one given node. This format is that of the weights accessor for graphNEL objects.

  • vector: a vector of weights; this output matches matrix outputs of getEdges.


getNodeCosts returns the costs associated to nodes based on one node attribute.

The notion of 'costs' in the context of gGraph objects is identical to the concept of 'weights' in graph (and thus graphNEL) objects. The larger it is for an edge, the less connectivity there is between the couple of concerned nodes.


  • getCosts(gGraph): Method for gGraph object

  • getNodeCosts(): Function to get the costs values for nodes

  • getNodeCosts(gGraph): Method to get node costs for gGraph object

See also

Most other accessors are documented in gGraph manpage.


head(getEdges(worldgraph.10k, res.type = "matNames", unique = TRUE))
#>      Vi   Vj    
#> [1,] "67" "9955"
#> [2,] "67" "68"  
#> [3,] "67" "9953"
#> [4,] "68" "69"  
#> [5,] "68" "9955"
#> [6,] "69" "9957"
head(getCosts(worldgraph.10k, res.type = "vector", unique = TRUE))
#> 67.9955   67.68 67.9953   68.69 68.9955 69.9957 
#>       1       1       1       1       1       1