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The function getNodesAttr returns the values of a set of variables associated to the nodes (i.e. node attributes) of a gGraph or gData object.


getNodesAttr(x, ...)

# S4 method for gGraph
getNodesAttr(x, nodes = NULL, = NULL, ...)

# S4 method for gData
getNodesAttr(x, = NULL, ...)



a valid gGraph or gData object.


other arguments passed to other methods (currently unused).


an optional integer, logical, or character string indicating the subset of nodes to be used. If NULL, all nodes are used.

an optional character string indicating which node attributes should be returned. If provided, it must match at least one of the columns of x@nodes.attr.


A data.frame with the requested nodes attributes. Nodes are displayed in rows, variables in columns.


  • getNodesAttr(gGraph): Method for gGraph objects

  • getNodesAttr(gData): Method for gData objects

See also

Most other accessors are documented in gGraph and gData manpages.


## gGraph method
#>   habitat
#> 1     sea
#> 2     sea
#> 3     sea
#> 4     sea
#> 5     sea
#> 6     sea

## gData method
#>         habitat
#> 26898     coast
#> 11652     coast
#> 22532      land
#> 23709      land
#> 24988      land
#> 28833      land
#> 26917     coast
#> 28836     coast
#> 21797      land
#> 39741     coast
#> 39740     coast
#> 39740.1   coast
#> 16798      land
#> 16798.1    land
#> 22561      land
#> 19359      land
#> 21280      land
#> 13597     coast
#> 20000      land
#> 16162      land
#> 13760     coast
#> 7348      coast
#> 13365      land
#> 10816      land
#> 5655      coast
#> 40768      land
#> 30164      land
#> 6433       land
#> 15411      land
#> 20543      land
#> 26955      land
#> 13518      land
#> 8583       land
#> 34111      land
#> 18189      land
#> 20755      land
#> 34111.1    land
#> 899        land
#> 20110      land
#> 5389       land
#> 1539       land
#> 36661      land
#> 28323      land
#> 37309      land
#> 16265      land
#> 35388      land
#> 28322      land
#> 33480      land
#> 19483     coast
#> 27148      land
#> 11457      land
#> 30221      land