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The function setEdges allows one to add or remove edges in a gGraph by directly specifying the relevant nodes, as a list or a data.frame. This low-level function is called by geo.add.edges and geo.remove.edges.


setEdges(x, ...)

# S4 method for gGraph
setEdges(x, add = NULL, remove = NULL, costs = NULL, ...)



a valid gGraph object.


other arguments passed to other methods (currently unused).


a list or a dataframe containing node names of edges to be added. The first element of the list (or column of the data.frame) gives starting nodes of edges; the second gives ending nodes. Hence, the nodes of the i-th edge are add[[1]][i] and add[[2]][i] if add is a list, and add[i,] if add is a data.frame.


same as add argument, but edges are removed.


a numeric vector providing costs of the edges to be added. costs[i] is the weight of the i-th edge.


A gGraph object with newly added or removed edges.


  • setEdges(gGraph): Method for gGraph object

See also

geo.add.edges and geo.remove.edges to interactively add or remove edges in a gGraph object.

getEdges to retrieve edges in different formats.