Authors and Citation
Michela Leonardi. Author.
Emily Y. Hallet. Contributor.
Robert Beyer. Contributor.
Mario Krapp. Contributor.
Andrea V. Pozzi. Contributor.
Andrea Manica. Author, maintainer, copyright holder.
Source: inst/CITATION
Leonardi M, Hallet EY, Beyer R, Krapp M, Manica A (2023). “pastclim 1.2: an R package to easily access and use paleoclimatic reconstructions.” Ecography, 2023, e06481. doi:10.1111/ecog.06481.
@Article{pastclim-article, title = {pastclim 1.2: an R package to easily access and use paleoclimatic reconstructions}, author = {Michela Leonardi and Emily Y. Hallet and Robert Beyer and Mario Krapp and Andrea Manica}, journal = {Ecography}, year = {2023}, volume = {2023}, pages = {e06481}, publisher = {Wiley}, doi = {10.1111/ecog.06481}, }