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This function returns a parsnip::model_spec for a MaxEnt model to be used in Species Distribution Models.


sdm_spec_maxent(..., tune = c("sdm", "all", "custom", "none"))



parameters to be passed to maxent() to customise the model. See the help of that function for details.


character defining the tuning strategy. Valid strategies are:

  • "sdm" chooses hyper-parameters that are most important to tune for an sdm (for maxent, 'mtry')

  • "all" tunes all hyperparameters (for maxent, 'mtry', 'trees' and 'min')

  • "custom" passes the options from '...'

  • "none" does not tune any hyperparameter


a parsnip::model_spec of the model.

See also

Other "sdm model specifications": sdm_spec_boost_tree(), sdm_spec_gam(), sdm_spec_glm(), sdm_spec_rand_forest()


test_maxent_spec <- sdm_spec_maxent(tune = "sdm")
#> maxent Model Specification (classification)
#> Main Arguments:
#>   feature_classes = tune()
#>   regularization_multiplier = tune()
#> Computational engine: maxnet 
# setting specific values
sdm_spec_maxent(tune = "custom", feature_classes = "lq")
#> maxent Model Specification (classification)
#> Main Arguments:
#>   feature_classes = lq
#> Computational engine: maxnet 