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The datasets 'rawgraph.10k', 'rawgraph.40k', 'worldgraph.10k', and 'worldgraph.40k' are geographic graphs (gGraph objects) of the world, with respective resolutions of 10,242 and 40,962 vertices.


worldgraph.10k and worldgraph.40k are gGraph objects with the following specificities:


habitat corresponding to each vertice; currently 'land' or 'sea'.


a matrix assigning a color for plotting vertices (second column) to different values of habitat (first column).


Graph reconstructed by Andrea Manica.


'rawgraph's are raw graphs as obtained directly from the method provided in references.

'worldgraph's are 'rawgraph's that have been modified manually to rectify connectivity between edges at some places. The most noticeable change is that all edges involving sea vertices have been removed.

'worldshape' is a shapefile of countries of the world (snapshot from 1994).


=== On the construction of the graph ===
Randall, D. A.; Ringler, T. D.; Heikes, R. P.; Jones, P. & Baumgardner, J. Climate Modeling with Spherical Geodesic Grids Computing in science & engineering, 2002, 4: 32-41.


#> === gGraph object ===
#> @coords: spatial coordinates of 10242 nodes
#>         lon       lat
#> 1 -180.0000  90.00000
#> 2  144.0000 -90.00000
#> 3  -33.7806  27.18924
#> ...
#> @nodes.attr: 1 nodes attributes
#>   habitat
#> 1     sea
#> 2     sea
#> 3     sea
#> ...
#> @meta: list of meta information with 2 items
#> [1] "$colors" "$costs" 
#> @graph:
#> A graphNEL graph with undirected edges
#> Number of Nodes = 10242 
#> Number of Edges = 6954 

## plotting the object
plot(worldgraph.10k, reset = TRUE)
title("Hello world")

## zooming in
geo.zoomin(list(x = c(-12, 45), y = c(33, 75)))

geo.zoomin(list(x = c(-12, 2), y = c(50, 60)))
title("United Kingdom")

## zooming out
# geo.zoomout() # needs clicking on device
geo.zoomin(list(x = c(-6, 38), y = c(35, 73)))

## defining the subset of visible points
x <- worldgraph.10k[isInArea(worldgraph.10k)]
plot(x, reset = TRUE, edges = TRUE)
title("One subsetted object.")

if (FALSE) {
## interactive zooming