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For qc_report_loci, the following types of plots are available:

  • overview: an UpSet plot, giving counts of snps over the threshold for missingness, minor allele frequency, and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium P-value, and visualising the interaction between these

  • all: a four panel plot, containing missing high maf, missing low maf, hwe, and significant hwe plots

  • missing: a histogram of proportion of missing data

  • missing low maf: a histogram of the proportion of missing data for snps with low minor allele freqency

  • missing high maf:a histogram of the proportion of missing data for snps with high minor allele freqency

  • maf: a histogram of minor allele frequency

  • hwe: a histogram of HWE exact test p-values

  • significant hwe: a histogram of significant HWE exact test p-values


# S3 method for class 'qc_report_loci'
  type = c("overview", "all", "missing", "missing low maf", "missing high maf", "maf",
    "hwe", "significant hwe"),
  maf_threshold = NULL,
  miss_threshold = NULL,
  hwe_p = NULL,



an object of class qc_report_loci


the type of plot (one of overview, all, missing, missing low maf, missing high maf, maf, hwe, and significant hwe)


a threshold for the accepted rate of minor allele frequency of loci


a threshold for the accepted rate of missingness per loci


a threshold of significance for Hardy-Weinberg exact p-values


not currently used.


a ggplot2 object


autoplot produces simple plots to quickly inspect an object. They are not customisable; we recommend that you use ggplot2 to produce publication ready plots.