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An example workflow with real data

We will explore the genetic structure of Anolis punctatus in South America, using data from Prates et al 2018. We downloaded the vcf file of the genotypes from “” and compressed it to a vcf.gz file.

We read in the data from the compressed vcf with:

#> Loading required package: dplyr
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Loading required package: tibble
vcf_path <- system.file("/extdata/anolis/punctatus_t70_s10_n46_filtered.recode.vcf.gz",
                          package = "tidypopgen")
anole_gt <- gen_tibble(vcf_path, quiet = TRUE, backingfile = tempfile("anolis_"))

Now let’s inspect our gen_tibble:

#> # A gen_tibble: 3249 loci
#> # A tibble:     46 × 2
#>    id                 genotypes
#>    <chr>             <vctr_SNP>
#>  1 punc_BM288                 1
#>  2 punc_GN71                  2
#>  3 punc_H1907                 3
#>  4 punc_H1911                 4
#>  5 punc_H2546                 5
#>  6 punc_IBSPCRIB0361          6
#>  7 punc_ICST764               7
#>  8 punc_JFT459                8
#>  9 punc_JFT773                9
#> 10 punc_LG1299               10
#> # ℹ 36 more rows

We can see that we have 46 individuals, from 3249 loci. Note that we don’t have any information on population from the vcf. That information can be found from another file on the github repository (“ We will have add the population information manually. Let’s start by reading the file:

pops_path <- system.file("/extdata/anolis/plot_order_punctatus_n46.csv",
                        package = "tidypopgen")
pops <- readr::read_csv(pops_path)
#> Rows: 46 Columns: 3
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (2): ID, pop
#> dbl (1): plot_order
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> # A tibble: 46 × 3
#>    ID           plot_order pop  
#>    <chr>             <dbl> <chr>
#>  1 BM288                18 Eam  
#>  2 GN71                 21 Eam  
#>  3 H1907                 6 Wam  
#>  4 H1911                 4 Wam  
#>  5 H2546                 7 Wam  
#>  6 IBSPCRIB0361         34 AF   
#>  7 ICST764              31 AF   
#>  8 JFT459               37 AF   
#>  9 JFT773               38 AF   
#> 10 LG1299               44 AF   
#> # ℹ 36 more rows

The ids from the VCF are in a different format than the ones we just got from the pop csv. We need a bit of string wrangling, but it looks easy, we just need to remove “punc_”:

Let us simplify the ids, which will have a “punc_” prefix

anole_gt <- anole_gt %>% mutate(id = gsub('punc_',"",.data$id,))
#> # A gen_tibble: 3249 loci
#> # A tibble:     46 × 2
#>    id            genotypes
#>    <chr>        <vctr_SNP>
#>  1 BM288                 1
#>  2 GN71                  2
#>  3 H1907                 3
#>  4 H1911                 4
#>  5 H2546                 5
#>  6 IBSPCRIB0361          6
#>  7 ICST764               7
#>  8 JFT459                8
#>  9 JFT773                9
#> 10 LG1299               10
#> # ℹ 36 more rows

Now we can bring in the pop information:

anole_gt <- anole_gt %>% mutate(population = pops$pop[match(pops$ID,.data$id)])
#> # A gen_tibble: 3249 loci
#> # A tibble:     46 × 3
#>    id            genotypes population
#>    <chr>        <vctr_SNP> <chr>     
#>  1 BM288                 1 Eam       
#>  2 GN71                  2 Eam       
#>  3 H1907                 3 Wam       
#>  4 H1911                 4 Wam       
#>  5 H2546                 5 Wam       
#>  6 IBSPCRIB0361          6 AF        
#>  7 ICST764               7 AF        
#>  8 JFT459                8 AF        
#>  9 JFT773                9 AF        
#> 10 LG1299               10 AF        
#> # ℹ 36 more rows


That was easy. The loci had already been filtered and cleaned, so we don’t need to do any QC. Let us jump straight into analysis and run a PCA:

anole_pca <- anole_gt %>% gt_pca_partialSVD(k=30)
#> Error: You can't have missing values in 'X'.

OK, we jumped too quickly. There are missing data, and we need first to impute them:

anole_gt <- gt_impute_simple(anole_gt, method = "mode")

And now:

anole_pca <- anole_gt %>% gt_pca_partialSVD(k=30)

Let us look at the object:

#>  === PCA of gen_tibble object ===
#> Method: [1] "partialSVD"
#> Call ($call):gt_pca_partialSVD(x = ., k = 30)
#> Eigenvalues ($d):
#>  351.891 192.527 113.562 104.427 87.615 83.476 ...
#> Principal component scores ($u):
#>  matrix with 46 rows (individuals) and 30 columns (axes) 
#> Loadings (Principal axes) ($v):
#>  matrix with 3249 rows (SNPs) and 30 columns (axes)

The print function (implicitly called when we type the name of the object) gives us information about the most important elements in the object (and the names of the elements in which they are stored).

We can extract those elements with the tidy function, which returns a tibble that can be easily used for further analysis, e.g.:

tidy(anole_pca, matrix="eigenvalues")
#> # A tibble: 30 × 3
#>       PC cumulative
#>    <int>   <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1     1   51.9        51.9
#>  2     2   28.4        80.3
#>  3     3   16.7        97.0
#>  4     4   15.4       112. 
#>  5     5   12.9       125. 
#>  6     6   12.3       138. 
#>  7     7   10.2       148. 
#>  8     8    9.92      158. 
#>  9     9    9.13      167. 
#> 10    10    8.80      176. 
#> # ℹ 20 more rows

We can return information on the eigenvalues, scores and loadings of the pca. There is also an autoplot method that allows to visualise those elements (type screeplot for eigenvalues, type scores for scores, and loadings for loadings:

autoplot(anole_pca, type="screeplot")

Scree Plot of eigenvalues for each Principal Component

To plot the sample in principal coordinates space, we can simply use:

autoplot(anole_pca, type ="scores")

Score plot of individuals across the first and second Principal Components

autoplots are deliberately kept simple: they are just a way to quickly inspect the results. They generate ggplot2 objects, and so they can be further embellished with the usual ggplot2 grammar:

autoplot(anole_pca, type = "scores") +
  aes(color = anole_gt$population) +
  labs(color = "population")

Score plot of individuals across the first and second Principal Components, with individual samples coloured by population

For more complex/publication ready plots, we will want to add the PC scores to the tibble, so that we can create a custom plot with ggplot2. We can easily add the data with the augment method:

anole_gt <- augment(anole_pca , data = anole_gt)

And now we can use ggplot2 directly to generate our plot:

anole_gt %>% ggplot(aes(.fittedPC1, .fittedPC2, color = population)) + 

Another score plot of individuals across the first and second Principal Components, with individual samples coloured by population, using ggplot2

We can see that the three population do separate nicely on the PCA, with just one individual from Wam sitting in-between the other Wam individuals and those from Eam.

It is also possible to inspect which loci contribute the most to a given component:

autoplot(anole_pca, type = "loadings")

Plot of the loadings of Principal Component 1 for each loci

By using information from the loci table, we could easily embellish the plot, for example colouring by chromosome or maf.

For more complex plots, we can augment the loci table with the loadings using augment_loci():

anole_gt_load <- augment_loci(anole_pca, data= anole_gt)

Explore population structure with DAPC

DAPC is a powerful tool to investigate population structure. It has the advantage of scaling well to very large datasets. It does not have the assumptions of STRUCTURE or ADMIXTURE (which also limits its power).

The first step is to determine the number of genetic clusters in the dataset. DAPC can be either used to test a a-priori hypothesis, or we can use the data to suggest the number of clusters. In this case, we did not have any strong expectations of structure in our study system, so we will let the data inform the number of possible genetic clusters. We will use a k-clustering algorithm applied to the principal components (allowing us to reduce the dimensions from the thousands of loci to just a few tens of components). We need to decide how many components to use; this decision is often made based on a plot of the cumulative explained variance of the components. Using tidy on the gt_pca object allows us easily obtain those quantities, and it is then trivial to plot them:

tidy(anole_pca,matrix="eigenvalues") %>%
  ggplot(mapping =aes(x=PC, y=cumulative)) +

Plot of the cumulative loadings for each Principal Component

Note that, as we were working with a truncated SVD algorithm for our PCA, we can not easily phrase the eigenvalues in terms of proportion of total variance, so the cumulative y axis simply shows the cumulative sum of the eigenvalues. Ideally, we are looking for the point where the curve starts flattening. In this case, we can not see a very clear flattening, but by PC 10 the increase in explained variance has markedly decelerated. We can now find clusters based on those 10 PCs:

anole_clusters <- gt_cluster_pca(anole_pca, n_pca = 10)

As we did not define the k values to explore, the default 1 to 5 was used (we can change that by setting the k parameter to change the range). To choose an appropriate k, we plot the number of clusters against a measure of fit. BIC has been shown to be a very good metric under many scenarios:


Plot of BIC (Bayesian Information Criteria) for each value of k

We are looking for the minimum value of BIC. There is no clear elbow (a minimum after which BIC increases with increasing k). However, we notice that there is a quick levelling off in the decrease in BIC at 3 clusters. Arguably, these are sufficient to capture the main structure (and that makes sense given what we saw in the PCA). We can also use a number of algorithmic approaches (based on the original find.clusters() function in adegenet) to choose the best k value from this plot through gt_cluster_pca_best_k(). We will use the defaults (BIC with “diffNgroup”, see the help page for gt_cluster_pca_best_k() for a description of the various options):

anole_clusters <- gt_cluster_pca_best_k(anole_clusters)
#> Using BIC with criterion diffNgroup: 3 clusters

The algorithm confirms our choice. Note that this function simply adds an element $best_k to the gt_cluster_pca object:

#> [1] 3

If we decided that we wanted to explore a different value, we could simply overwrite that number with anole_clusters$best_k<-5

In this case, we are happy with the option of 3 clusters, and we can run a DAPC:

anole_dapc <- gt_dapc(anole_clusters)

Note that gt_dapc() takes automatically the number of clusters from the anole_clusters object, but can change that behaviour by setting some of its parameters (see the help page for gt_dapc()). When we print the object, we are given information about the most important elements of the object and where to find them (as we saw for gt_pca):

#>  === DAPC of gen_tibble object ===
#> Call ($call):gt_dapc(x = anole_clusters)
#> Eigenvalues ($eig):
#>  727.414 218.045 
#> LD scores ($ind.coord):
#>  matrix with 46 rows (individuals) and 2 columns (LD axes) 
#> Loadings by PC ($loadings):
#>  matrix with 2 rows (PC axes) and 2 columns (LD axes) 
#> Loadings by locus($var.load):
#>  matrix with 3249 rows (loci) and 2 columns (LD axes)

Again, these elements can be obtained with tidiers (with matrix equal to eigenvalues, scores,ld_loadings and loci_loadings):

tidy(anole_dapc, matrix="eigenvalues")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>      LD eigenvalue cumulative
#>   <int>      <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1     1       727.       727.
#> 2     2       218.       945.

And they can be visualised with autoplot:

autoplot(anole_dapc, type="screeplot")

Scree plot of the eigenvalues on the two discriminant axes (defined by `ld`)

As for pca, there is a tidy method that can be used to extract information from gt_dapc objects. For example, if we want to create a bar plot of the eigenvalues (since we only have two), we could simply use:

tidy(anole_dapc, matrix="eigenvalues") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=LD,y=eigenvalue)) +

Bar plot of eigenvalues against the two discriminant axes

We can plot the scores with:

autoplot(anole_dapc, type="scores")

Scatterplot of the scores of each individual on the two discriminant axes (defined by `ld`)

We can inspect the assignment by DAPC with autoplot using the type components, ordering the samples by the original population labels:

autoplot(anole_dapc, type="components", group = anole_gt$population)

Bar plot showing the probability of assignment to each cluster

Because of the very clear separation we observed when plotting the LD scores, no individual is modelled as a mixture: all assignments are with 100% probability to a single cluster.

Finally, we can explore which loci have the biggest impact on separating the clusters (either because of drift or selection):

autoplot(anole_dapc, "loadings")

Plot of the loadings of Principal Component 1 for each loci

There is no strong outlier, suggesting drift across many loci has created the signal picked up by DAPC.

Note that anole_dapc is of class gt_dapc, which is a subclass of dapc from adegenet. This means that functions written to work on dapc objects should work out of the box (the only exception is adegenet::predict.dapc, which does not work because the underlying pca object is different). For example, we can obtain the standard dapc plot with:

#> Loading required package: ade4
#>    /// adegenet 2.1.10 is loaded ////////////
#>    > overview: '?adegenet'
#>    > tutorials/doc/questions: 'adegenetWeb()' 
#>    > bug reports/feature requests: adegenetIssues()
scatter(anole_dapc, posi.da="bottomright")

Scatterplot of individuals with ellipses surrounding each cluster of individuals identified by the DAPC analysis. Eigenvalues are displayed in an inset in the bottom right corner of the plot.

Clustering with sNMF

sNMF is a fast clustering algorithm which provides results similar to STRUCTURE and ADMIXTURE. We can run it directly from R. We have first to generate a file with our genotype data:

geno_file <- gt_as_geno_lea(anole_gt)
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpuLWp28/anolis_1f8d67200ae3.geno"

Note that the .geno file is placed by default in the same directory and using the same name as the backing file of the gen_tibble

Now we can run K clusters from k=1 to k=10. We will use just one repeat, but ideally we should run multiple repetitions for each K:

anole_snmf <- snmf(input.file = geno_file,
                   K = 1:10,
                   entropy = TRUE,
                   repetitions = 3,
                   alpha = 100

We can examine the suitability of our K values by plotting with:

plot(anole_snmf, cex = 1.2, pch = 19)

Plot of cross-entropy for each value of K, showing K = 3 has the lowest cross-entropy

From which we can see that K = 3 is a sensible choice, as 3 represents the ‘elbow’ in the plot. We can select the fastest run using:

ce <-  cross.entropy(anole_snmf, K = 3)
quick_run <- which.min(ce)

And then to plot our clusters, we can begin by extracting the Q matrix from our snmf object, and covert it to a q_matrix object as used by tidypopgen:

q_mat <- LEA::Q(anole_snmf, K = 3, run = quick_run) 
q_mat <- q_matrix(q_mat)

#>            .Q1       .Q2       .Q3
#> [1,] 9.999e-05 9.999e-05 9.998e-01
#> [2,] 9.999e-05 9.999e-05 9.998e-01
#> [3,] 9.998e-01 9.999e-05 9.999e-05
#> [4,] 9.998e-01 9.999e-05 9.999e-05
#> [5,] 9.998e-01 9.999e-05 9.999e-05
#> [6,] 9.999e-05 9.998e-01 9.999e-05

We can quickly plot it with

anole_gt <- anole_gt %>% group_by(population)
autoplot(q_mat, data = anole_gt, annotate_group = TRUE)

Barplot of individuals coloured by predicted ancestry proportion (Q) from each of K ancestral sources

We can tidy our q matrix into a tibble, returning it in a format which is suitable for plotting:

tidy_q <- tidy(q_mat, anole_gt)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   .Q1        .Q2        .Q3        id           group
#>   <q_matrix> <q_matrix> <q_matrix> <chr>        <chr>
#> 1 9.999e-05  9.999e-05  9.998e-01  BM288        Eam  
#> 2 9.999e-05  9.999e-05  9.998e-01  GN71         Eam  
#> 3 9.998e-01  9.999e-05  9.999e-05  H1907        Wam  
#> 4 9.998e-01  9.999e-05  9.999e-05  H1911        Wam  
#> 5 9.998e-01  9.999e-05  9.999e-05  H2546        Wam  
#> 6 9.999e-05  9.998e-01  9.999e-05  IBSPCRIB0361 AF

For more complex plots, we can add the clusters to the tibble, so that we can create a custom plot with ggplot2. We can easily add the data with the augment method:

anole_gt_sNMF <- augment(q_mat, data = anole_gt)

And now we can use ggplot2 directly to generate our plot:

anole_gt_sNMF <- anole_gt_sNMF %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = dplyr::starts_with(".Q"), names_to = "q", values_to = "percentage") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(percentage = as.numeric(percentage)) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(dominant_q = max(percentage)) %>%
  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::arrange(population, dplyr::desc(dominant_q)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(plot_order = dplyr::row_number(), id = factor(id, levels = unique(id)))

plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(anole_gt_sNMF, ggplot2::aes(x = id, y = percentage, fill = q)) +
  ggplot2::geom_col(width = 1, position = ggplot2::position_stack(reverse = TRUE))+
  ggplot2::labs(y = "Population Structure for K = 3") +
  theme_distruct() +


Barplot of individuals coloured by predicted ancestry proportion (Q) from each of K ancestral sources

ADMIXTURE and handling multiple Q matrices

Usually, clustering algorithms are run multiple times for different values of K. The function q_matrix() can take a path to a directory containing results from multiple runs of a clustering algorithm (such as ADMIXTURE), read the .Q files, and summarise them in a single q_matrix_list object.

In the analysis above, through snmf(), we ran 3 repetitions for each value of K.

To exemplify how q_matrix() can read directly from output folders, we can write the outputs to a temporary file:

runs <- c(1:3)
k_values <- c(1:10)
q_matrices <- list()
dir <- tempdir()

for(x in k_values){
  q_matrices[[x]] <- list()
  for(i in runs){
  q_matrices[[x]][[i]] <- LEA::Q(anole_snmf, K = x, run = i)
  write.table(q_matrices[[x]][[i]], file = paste0(dir,"/K",x,"run",i,".Q"), col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

And read them back into a q_matrix_list:

q_list <- read_q_files(dir)
#> Admixture results for multiple runs:                      
#> k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
#> n 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3  3
#> with slots:
#> $Q for Q matrices

q_matrix has read and summarised the .Q files from our analysis,and we can access a single matrix from the list by selecting the run number and K value of interest. For example, if we would like to view the second run of K = 3:

get_q_matrix(q_list, k = 3, run = 2)
#>               .Q1         .Q2        .Q3
#>  [1,] 0.000099990 0.000099990 0.99980000
#>  [2,] 0.000099990 0.000099990 0.99980000
#>  [3,] 0.999800000 0.000099990 0.00009999
#>  [4,] 0.999800000 0.000099990 0.00009999
#>  [5,] 0.999800000 0.000099990 0.00009999
#>  [6,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#>  [7,] 0.000099990 0.801337000 0.19856300
#>  [8,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#>  [9,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [10,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [11,] 0.559491000 0.181639000 0.25887000
#> [12,] 0.811919000 0.034168200 0.15391300
#> [13,] 0.234834000 0.000099991 0.76506600
#> [14,] 0.999800000 0.000099990 0.00009999
#> [15,] 0.000099990 0.000099990 0.99980000
#> [16,] 0.999800000 0.000099990 0.00009999
#> [17,] 0.000099990 0.000099990 0.99980000
#> [18,] 0.999800000 0.000099990 0.00009999
#> [19,] 0.030865000 0.214975000 0.75416000
#> [20,] 0.000099990 0.000099990 0.99980000
#> [21,] 0.016124800 0.392110000 0.59176500
#> [22,] 0.000099990 0.000099990 0.99980000
#> [23,] 0.000099990 0.000099990 0.99980000
#> [24,] 0.000099990 0.000099990 0.99980000
#> [25,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [26,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [27,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [28,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [29,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [30,] 0.999800000 0.000099990 0.00009999
#> [31,] 0.000099991 0.036791300 0.96310900
#> [32,] 0.073108700 0.135951000 0.79094000
#> [33,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [34,] 0.999800000 0.000099990 0.00009999
#> [35,] 0.000099991 0.030821400 0.96907900
#> [36,] 0.206381000 0.000099991 0.79351900
#> [37,] 0.254406000 0.000099991 0.74549400
#> [38,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [39,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [40,] 0.000099991 0.033945100 0.96595500
#> [41,] 0.000099991 0.342076000 0.65782400
#> [42,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [43,] 0.000099990 0.999800000 0.00009999
#> [44,] 0.000099991 0.806520000 0.19338000
#> [45,] 0.850262000 0.027241300 0.12249600
#> [46,] 0.999800000 0.000099990 0.00009999
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "q_matrix" "q_matrix" "matrix"   "array"

Similarly to before, we can then autoplot any of these matrices by selecting from the q_matrix_list:

autoplot(get_q_matrix(q_list, k = 3, run = 2), data = anole_gt)

Barplot of individuals coloured by predicted ancestry proportion (Q) from each of K ancestral sources

In this way, tidypopgen integrates with external clustering software (such as ADMIXTURE or STRUCTURE) seamlessly for quick, easy plotting.