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This function implements the clustering procedure used in Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC, Jombart et al. 2010). This procedure consists in running successive K-means with an increasing number of clusters (k), after transforming data using a principal component analysis (PCA). For each model, several statistical measures of goodness of fit are computed, which allows to choose the optimal k using the function gt_cluster_pca_best_k(). See details for a description of how to select the optimal k and vignette("adegenet-dapc") for a tutorial.


  x = NULL,
  n_pca = NULL,
  k_clusters = c(1, round(nrow(x$u)/10)),
  method = c("kmeans", "ward"),
  n_iter = 1e+05,
  n_start = 10,
  quiet = FALSE



a gt_pca object returned by one of the gt_pca_* functions.


number of principal components to be fed to the LDA.


number of clusters to explore, either a single value, or a vector of length 2 giving the minimum and maximum (e.g. 1:5). If left NULL, it will use 1 to the number of pca components divided by 10 (a reasonable guess).


either 'kmeans' or 'ward'


number of iterations for kmeans (only used if method="kmeans")


number of starting points for kmeans (only used if method="kmeans")


boolean on whether to silence outputting information to the screen (defaults to FALSE)


a gt_cluster_pca object, which is a subclass of gt_pca with an additional element 'cluster', a list with elements:

  • 'method' the clustering method (either kmeans or ward)

  • 'n_pca' number of principal components used for clustering

  • 'k' the k values explored by the function

  • 'WSS' within sum of squares for each k

  • 'AIC' the AIC for each k

  • 'BIC' the BIC for each k

  • 'groups' a list, with each element giving the group assignments for a given k