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This function performs Principal Component Analysis on a gen_tibble, using a fast truncated SVD with initial pruning and then iterative removal of long-range LD regions. This function is a wrapper for bigsnpr::snp_autoSVD()


  k = 10,
  fun_scaling = bigsnpr::snp_scaleBinom(),
  thr_r2 = 0.2,
  use_positions = TRUE,
  size = 100/thr_r2,
  roll_size = 50,
  int_min_size = 20,
  alpha_tukey = 0.05,
  min_mac = 10,
  max_iter = 5,
  n_cores = 1,
  verbose = TRUE,
  total_var = TRUE



a gen_tbl object


Number of singular vectors/values to compute. Default is 10. This algorithm should be used to compute a few singular vectors/values.


Usually this can be left unset, as it defaults to bigsnpr::snp_scaleBinom(), which is the appropriate function for biallelic SNPs. Alternatively it is possible to use custom function (see bigsnpr::snp_autoSVD() for details.


Threshold over the squared correlation between two SNPs. Default is 0.2. Use NA if you want to skip the clumping step. size


a boolean on whether the position is used to define size, or whether the size should be in number of SNPs. Default is TRUE


For one SNP, window size around this SNP to compute correlations. Default is 100 / thr_r2 for clumping (0.2 -> 500; 0.1 -> 1000; 0.5 -> 200). If not providing infos.pos (NULL, the default), this is a window in number of SNPs, otherwise it is a window in kb (genetic distance). I recommend that you provide the positions if available.


Radius of rolling windows to smooth log-p-values. Default is 50.


Minimum number of consecutive outlier SNPs in order to be reported as long-range LD region. Default is 20.


Default is 0.1. The type-I error rate in outlier detection (that is further corrected for multiple testing).


Minimum minor allele count (MAC) for variants to be included. Default is 10.


Maximum number of iterations of outlier detection. Default is 5.


Number of cores used. Default doesn't use parallelism. You may use bigstatsr::nb_cores().


Output some information on the iterations? Default is TRUE.


a boolean indicating whether to compute the total variance of the matrix. Default is TRUE. Using FALSE will speed up computation, but the total variance will not be stored in the output (and thus it will not be possible to assign a proportion of variance explained to the components).


a gt_pca object, which is a subclass of bigSVD; this is an S3 list with elements: A named list (an S3 class "big_SVD") of

  • d, the eigenvalues (singular values, i.e. as variances),

  • u, the scores for each sample on each component (the left singular vectors)

  • v, the loadings (the right singular vectors)

  • center, the centering vector,

  • scale, the scaling vector,

  • method, a string defining the method (in this case 'autoSVD'),

  • call, the call that generated the object.

  • loci, the loci used after long range LD removal.

Note: rather than accessing these elements directly, it is better to use tidy and augment. See gt_pca_tidiers. Note: If you encounter 'Error in rollmean(): Parameter 'size' is too large.' roll_size is exceeding the number of variants on at least one of your chromosomes. If you have pre-specified roll_size, you will need to reduce this parameter. If not, try specifying a reduced 'roll_size' to avoid this error.


Using gt_pca_autoSVD requires a reasonably large dataset, as the function iteratively removes regions of long range LD.