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This function computes expected population heterozygosity (also referred to as gene diversity, to avoid the potentially misleading use of the term "expected" in this context), using the formula of Nei (1987).


  by_locus = FALSE,
  include_global = FALSE,
  n_cores = bigstatsr::nb_cores()

  by_locus = FALSE,
  include_global = FALSE,
  n_cores = bigstatsr::nb_cores()



a gen_tibble (usually grouped, as obtained by using dplyr::group_by(), otherwise the full tibble will be considered as belonging to a single population).


boolean, determining whether Hs should be returned by locus(TRUE), or as a single genome wide value (FALSE, the default).


boolean determining whether, besides the population specific estiamtes, a global estimate should be appended. Note that this will return a vector of n populations plus 1 (the global value), or a matrix with n+1 columns if by_locus=TRUE.


number of cores to be used, it defaults to bigstatsr::nb_cores()


a vector of mean population observed heterozygosities (if by_locus=FALSE), or a matrix of estimates by locus (rows are loci, columns are populations, by_locus=TRUE)


Within population expected heterozygosity (gene diversity) \(\hat{h}_s\) for a locus with \(m\) alleles is defined as:

\(\tilde{n}=s/\sum_k 1/n_k\) (i.e the harmonic mean of \(n_k\)) and
\(\bar{\hat{x}_i^2}=\sum_k \hat{x}_{ki}^2/s\)
following equation 7.39 in Nei(1987) on pp.164. In our specific case, there are only two alleles, so \(m=2\). \(\hat{h}_s\) at the genome level for each population is simply the mean of the locus estimates for each population.


Nei M. (1987) Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. Columbia University Press